Frequently Asked Questions

How many callbacks can be queued up at once?

Each Queue Callback license can have 4 concurrent queued up callbacks in line.

What is needed from the RingCentral side?

A existing account with either the RingEX Advanced license or higher. For each Queue Callback license, you will need one RingEX un-used license. This user will be used to hold the spot in the callback queue.

How does the call connect back to my agent?

When a available agent becomes available within the callback queue, the call is offered to that agent. The agent can pick up on any device within the RingCentral environment, such as a physical phone or softphone. The agent is then reminded this is a queued call back, and asked to enter a digit to connect with the customer. Then the call is initiated back out to the customer.

What are the different roles available within the callback portal?

Three roles are available. Admin, this allows configuration of the call back functionality. Supervisor, allows access to reporting only. Billing, allows access to the billing side of the portal. The admin has access to all areas.

Where can I locate the privacy policy?

The privacy policy is always available at .

What providers do you partner with?

Currently the production environment is built to interact with the RingCentral platform. However we have built many custom IVR/IVA deployments. If you would like to inquiry about a different platform, please email